Sample Notes

Pre-Ops Note



Pre-Op Diagnosis:

Planned Procedure and Scheduled Time:



---/---/---{         }---{                  U/A                           LFT's

Official CXR reading: (on chart)

Official EKG reading: (on chart)

Type and Cross/Screen for __ units in blood bank

NPO after MN

IVF ordered after MN

Antibiotics ordered on call to OR:

Anesthesia evaluation (on chart)

Operative Consent (on chart) 

  • If any of the above are missing or incomplete, call an intern! 
  • All abnormalities and/or omissions must be addressed! 

Operative Note



Pre-Op Diagnosis: gallstone pancreatitis

Post-Op Diagnosis: same

Procedure: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with Intraoperative cholangiogram

Surgeon: Lin

Assistants: Resident, MS

Anesthesia: GETA (General Endotracheal Anesthesia)

EBL: minimal

UOP (urine output): unmonitored (no foley) or amount

IVF: 2000 cc crystalloid

Findings: Intraabdominal adhesions, distended GB, +GS, cholangiogram: mildly dilated CBD, no filling defects, normal intrahepatic radicles, uninterrupted flow into duodenum

Specimens: GB to pathology

Drains: None

Complications: None

Disposition: To Recovery Room, extubated, in stable condition 

Surgery MS3 Progressive Note




POD#__ after ______________________________ Abx day #___

24hr events/subjective complaints

(Include presence or absence of nausea, vomiting, flatus, BM, ambulation, pain, chest pain, SOB, and other PERTINENT info.)

Vitals: Tmax, Tcurrent BP(range) HR(range) RR(range) Pox (if available)

I/O: Total In/Total Out

        8hr shifts - Ins broken down into IVF, PO, NGT, feeding tube, etc.

        8hr shifts - Outs broken down into NGT, U/O, stool, emesis, drains, etc.

PE: Lungs – CTA bil

       Heart – RRR, no M/R/G

       Abdomen – soft, ND/NT, normoactive BS

       Wound – well-approximated, no erythema or d/c

       Stoma – pink, patent, productive of stool

       Ext – no edema

        Labs (do not present orally if previously presented on rounds)

A/P: __ year old man/woman POD#___ after ______________________ progressing well

Neuro: Pain control adequate, continue PCA

             OOB, ambulate today

CV: Mild tachycardia, will bolus with 500cc isotonic crystalloid and reevaluate

       Resp: No issues, continue spirometry

GI: Await return of bowel function, continue NPO, NGT

GU: U/O marginal, continue to monitor closely after volume load

        Replete electrolytes

Heme: HCT 27 and stable, continue SQ Heparin

ID: Perioperative abx D/C'd, afebrile, check WBC today

Endocrine: Continue ISS, BS well controlled 

Surgery MS3 ICU Progressive Note



Significant 24hr events/road trips, subjective complaints (Ask the nurses!) 


Neuro: PE, GCS, sedative drips, pain control CV: PE/vasc exam (where appropriate)

             HR (range) BP (range) CVP (range)

             Cardiac parameters (if PA cath in place)

             CO                  CVP

             CI                    PCWP

             PAS/PAD         SVR


Resp: PE

           RR (range) Pox ___% on RA/___%FIO2

           Vent settings: mode, rate, TV, FIO2, PS, PEEP

           ABG: pH/pCO2/pO2/TCO2/BE or BD/sat on latest vent settings

GI: PE incl wound, diet/tube feeds, drains/NGT output, LFT's

Renal/FEN: 24hr I/O's including breakdown into component parts

                    IVF rate

                    UOP/hr (in cc/kg/hr)

                    Labs: ---/---/---{ Ca, Mg, PO4

Heme/ID: Tmax, Tcurrent Abx day#___

                 }---{ PT/PTT Cx results:

Endocrine: Accuchecks, Insulin dosing, TFT's, steroids

A/P: ICU Day#___, POD#___after____________________






