Rounds & Presentations

Socratic Rounds

Socratic Rounds are held every Wednesday afternoon in the Hospital Auditorium and will be delivered by various faculty members. Attendance is mandatory. If you must be absent, you must obtain prior written or verbal approval from Dr. Lee. The format will consist of a didactic session in a case based format. 

Case Presentations & Discussions

General Surgery students at GW meet with Dr. Claire Edwards or with Dr. David Wherry on a weekly basis. The designated students are expected to be on time with a case to present. This should take the format of a formal presentation starting with: chief complaint, history, past medical and surgical histories, ROS, medications, allergies, social and family histories, physical examination, labs and radiology, and differential diagnoses and work-up. Please bring pertinent films and studies. If you are unavailable to attend, please contact your alternate, and inform the coordinator. One member of each General Surgery team is expected to present at every meeting. No less than three students should present a case at each meeting. These presentations take precedence over cases.

Students who are rotating at Holy Cross Hospital will receive information about weekly case presentations with Dr. Garry Ruben on arrival at HCH. These presentations generally occur in the afternoons.

General Surgery students at GWUH meet with Dr. Anton Sidawy on a weekly basis. The format of this session is an open discussion on the evaluation and treatment of Vascular patients. 

Standardized Patient Exercises

You will be involved in standardized patient (SP) exercises for most or all of your rotations. In an attempt to better prepare you for the USMLE examination, the Department of Surgery has designed SP exercises that will focus on some of the major diseases encountered in general surgery. This is a mandatory exercise and takes precedence over other clinical responsibilities.

You will be evaluated by a Faculty moderator and by the patient using separate checklists. Your Faculty moderator will break out with each small group to discuss the particular cases and provide feedback. You will receive an overall grade of PASS/FAIL for the exercise. This will not contribute to your clerkship grade.