The FINAL GRADE for third year clinical clerks is clearly defined by a point system consisting of clinical evaluations by attending and resident supervisors and formal practical and written examinations. The Grade Point Sheet provides a guideline for the students as well as the staff in the Undergraduate Surgical Education department to determine a final grade.
Final grades are issued to each student when the results from the National Board of Medical Examiners and practical examination are finalized and when the clinical evaluations are received by the Office of Undergraduate Surgical Education within the six-week deadline instituted by the Medical School. The points assigned to each component are clearly documented and a copy of the Grade Point Sheet is distributed to each student at the start of the rotation.
Third year students in the traditional curriculum are expected to take the practical and written examinations as outlined in their rotation schedule. We do understand extenuating circumstances that may preclude you from taking the examination, but you must receive prior approval from Dean Rhonda Goldberg in that event.
If you disagree with your final grade or evaluation and believe that it is inaccurate or unfairly arrived at, you can appeal by written letter or email to Dr. Lee. You will have two weeks from the date you receive your grade by email from Robert. Dr. Lee reviews all appeals and you will receive notification of his decision. You can refer to the rules of appeal on the medical school regulations manual. Written examinations cannot be contested.
Fourth year students who are completing their Surgery clerkship, including either the General Surgery component or any of the Surgical Sub-specialties, must take their examinations at the NEXT available examination time or give Robert Pakan a four-week notice. Again, this is not negotiable unless extenuating circumstances exist and the student receives approval from the Director of Undergraduate Surgical Education.
Grade Points (PDF)
For changes and grade concerns, contact Robert Pakan: rpakan [at] (rpakan[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu)